12 September 2012

Openerp Tables

 Schema |                       Name                        | Type  | Owner
 public | account_account                                   | table | openpg
 public | account_account_consol_rel                        | table | openpg
 public | account_account_financial_report                  | table | openpg
 public | account_account_financial_report_type             | table | openpg
 public | account_account_tax_default_rel                   | table | openpg
 public | account_account_template                          | table | openpg
 public | account_account_template_tax_rel                  | table | openpg
 public | account_account_type                              | table | openpg
 public | account_account_type_rel                          | table | openpg
 public | account_addtmpl_wizard                            | table | openpg
 public | account_aged_trial_balance                        | table | openpg
 public | account_aged_trial_balance_journal_rel            | table | openpg
 public | account_analytic_account                          | table | openpg
 public | account_analytic_balance                          | table | openpg
 public | account_analytic_chart                            | table | openpg
 public | account_analytic_cost_ledger                      | table | openpg
 public | account_analytic_cost_ledger_journal_report       | table | openpg
 public | account_analytic_inverted_balance                 | table | openpg
 public | account_analytic_journal                          | table | openpg
 public | account_analytic_journal_report                   | table | openpg
 public | account_analytic_line                             | table | openpg
 public | account_automatic_reconcile                       | table | openpg
 public | account_balance_report                            | table | openpg
 public | account_balance_report_journal_rel                | table | openpg
 public | account_bank_accounts_wizard                      | table | openpg
 public | account_bank_statement                            | table | openpg
 public | account_bank_statement_line                       | table | openpg
 public | account_bank_statement_line_move_rel              | table | openpg
 public | account_cashbox_line                              | table | openpg
 public | account_central_journal                           | table | openpg
 public | account_central_journal_journal_rel               | table | openpg
 public | account_change_currency                           | table | openpg
 public | account_chart                                     | table | openpg
 public | account_chart_template                            | table | openpg
 public | account_common_account_report                     | table | openpg
 public | account_common_account_report_account_journal_rel | table | openpg
 public | account_common_journal_report                     | table | openpg
 public | account_common_journal_report_account_journal_rel | table | openpg
 public | account_common_partner_report                     | table | openpg
 public | account_common_partner_report_account_journal_rel | table | openpg
 public | account_common_report                             | table | openpg
 public | account_common_report_account_journal_rel         | table | openpg
 public | account_financial_report                          | table | openpg
 public | account_fiscal_position                           | table | openpg
 public | account_fiscal_position_account                   | table | openpg
 public | account_fiscal_position_account_template          | table | openpg
 public | account_fiscal_position_tax                       | table | openpg
 public | account_fiscal_position_tax_template              | table | openpg
 public | account_fiscal_position_template                  | table | openpg
 public | account_fiscalyear                                | table | openpg
 public | account_fiscalyear_close                          | table | openpg
 public | account_fiscalyear_close_state                    | table | openpg
 public | account_general_journal                           | table | openpg
 public | account_general_journal_journal_rel               | table | openpg
 public | account_installer                                 | table | openpg
 public | account_invoice                                   | table | openpg
 public | account_invoice_cancel                            | table | openpg
 public | account_invoice_confirm                           | table | openpg
 public | account_invoice_line                              | table | openpg
 public | account_invoice_line_tax                          | table | openpg
 public | account_invoice_refund                            | table | openpg
 public | account_invoice_tax                               | table | openpg
 public | account_journal                                   | table | openpg
 public | account_journal_account_vat_declaration_rel       | table | openpg
 public | account_journal_accounting_report_rel             | table | openpg
 public | account_journal_column                            | table | openpg
 public | account_journal_group_rel                         | table | openpg
 public | account_journal_period                            | table | openpg
 public | account_journal_select                            | table | openpg
 public | account_journal_type_rel                          | table | openpg
 public | account_journal_view                              | table | openpg
 public | account_model                                     | table | openpg
 public | account_model_line                                | table | openpg
 public | account_move                                      | table | openpg
 public | account_move_bank_reconcile                       | table | openpg
 public | account_move_journal                              | table | openpg
 public | account_move_line                                 | table | openpg
 public | account_move_line_reconcile                       | table | openpg
 public | account_move_line_reconcile_select                | table | openpg
 public | account_move_line_reconcile_writeoff              | table | openpg
 public | account_move_line_unreconcile_select              | table | openpg
 public | account_move_reconcile                            | table | openpg
 public | account_open_closed_fiscalyear                    | table | openpg
 public | account_partner_balance                           | table | openpg
 public | account_partner_balance_journal_rel               | table | openpg
 public | account_partner_ledger                            | table | openpg
 public | account_partner_ledger_journal_rel                | table | openpg
 public | account_partner_reconcile_process                 | table | openpg
 public | account_payment_term                              | table | openpg
 public | account_payment_term_line                         | table | openpg
 public | account_period                                    | table | openpg
 public | account_period_close                              | table | openpg
 public | account_print_journal                             | table | openpg
 public | account_print_journal_journal_rel                 | table | openpg
 public | account_report_general_ledger                     | table | openpg
 public | account_report_general_ledger_journal_rel         | table | openpg
 public | account_sequence_fiscalyear                       | table | openpg
 public | account_state_open                                | table | openpg
 public | account_subscription                              | table | openpg
 public | account_subscription_generate                     | table | openpg
 public | account_subscription_line                         | table | openpg
 public | account_tax                                       | table | openpg
 public | account_tax_chart                                 | table | openpg
 public | account_tax_code                                  | table | openpg
 public | account_tax_code_template                         | table | openpg
 public | account_tax_template                              | table | openpg
 public | account_template_financial_report                 | table | openpg
 public | account_unreconcile                               | table | openpg
 public | account_unreconcile_reconcile                     | table | openpg
 public | account_use_model                                 | table | openpg
 public | account_use_model_relation                        | table | openpg
 public | account_vat_declaration                           | table | openpg
 public | accounting_report                                 | table | openpg
 public | base_language_export                              | table | openpg
 public | base_language_import                              | table | openpg
 public | base_language_install                             | table | openpg
 public | base_module_configuration                         | table | openpg
 public | base_module_import                                | table | openpg
 public | base_module_update                                | table | openpg
 public | base_module_upgrade                               | table | openpg
 public | base_setup_terminology                            | table | openpg
 public | base_update_translations                          | table | openpg
 public | board_board                                       | table | openpg
 public | board_board_line                                  | table | openpg
 public | board_menu_create                                 | table | openpg
 public | decimal_precision                                 | table | openpg
 public | edi_document                                      | table | openpg
 public | email_message_send_attachment_rel                 | table | openpg
 public | email_template                                    | table | openpg
 public | email_template_attachment_rel                     | table | openpg
 public | email_template_preview                            | table | openpg
 public | ir_act_client                                     | table | openpg
 public | ir_act_report_custom                              | table | openpg
 public | ir_act_report_xml                                 | table | openpg
 public | ir_act_server                                     | table | openpg
 public | ir_act_url                                        | table | openpg
 public | ir_act_window                                     | table | openpg
 public | ir_act_window_group_rel                           | table | openpg
 public | ir_act_window_view                                | table | openpg
 public | ir_act_wizard                                     | table | openpg
 public | ir_actions                                        | table | openpg
 public | ir_actions_configuration_wizard                   | table | openpg
 public | ir_actions_todo                                   | table | openpg
 public | ir_actions_todo_category                          | table | openpg
 public | ir_attachment                                     | table | openpg
 public | ir_config_parameter                               | table | openpg
 public | ir_cron                                           | table | openpg
 public | ir_default                                        | table | openpg
 public | ir_exports                                        | table | openpg
 public | ir_exports_line                                   | table | openpg
 public | ir_filters                                        | table | openpg
 public | ir_mail_server                                    | table | openpg
 public | ir_model                                          | table | openpg
 public | ir_model_access                                   | table | openpg
 public | ir_model_data                                     | table | openpg
 public | ir_model_fields                                   | table | openpg
 public | ir_model_fields_group_rel                         | table | openpg
 public | ir_module_category                                | table | openpg
 public | ir_module_module                                  | table | openpg
 public | ir_module_module_dependency                       | table | openpg
 public | ir_property                                       | table | openpg
 public | ir_rule                                           | table | openpg
 public | ir_sequence                                       | table | openpg
 public | ir_sequence_type                                  | table | openpg
 public | ir_server_object_lines                            | table | openpg
 public | ir_translation                                    | table | openpg
 public | ir_ui_menu                                        | table | openpg
 public | ir_ui_menu_group_rel                              | table | openpg
 public | ir_ui_view                                        | table | openpg
 public | ir_ui_view_custom                                 | table | openpg
 public | ir_ui_view_sc                                     | table | openpg
 public | ir_values                                         | table | openpg
 public | ir_wizard_screen                                  | table | openpg
 public | ledger_journal_rel                                | table | openpg
 public | mail_compose_message                              | table | openpg
 public | mail_message                                      | table | openpg
 public | mail_message_common                               | table | openpg
 public | mail_thread                                       | table | openpg
 public | maintenance_contract                              | table | openpg
 public | message_attachment_rel                            | table | openpg
 public | migrade_application_installer_modules             | table | openpg
 public | multi_company_default                             | table | openpg
 public | osv_memory_autovacuum                             | table | openpg
 public | partner_clear_ids                                 | table | openpg
 public | partner_massmail_wizard                           | table | openpg
 public | partner_sms_send                                  | table | openpg
 public | partner_wizard_ean_check                          | table | openpg
 public | pricelist_partnerinfo                             | table | openpg
 public | process_condition                                 | table | openpg
 public | process_node                                      | table | openpg
 public | process_process                                   | table | openpg
 public | process_transition                                | table | openpg
 public | process_transition_action                         | table | openpg
 public | process_transition_group_rel                      | table | openpg
 public | process_transition_ids                            | table | openpg
 public | product_category                                  | table | openpg
 public | product_installer                                 | table | openpg
 public | product_packaging                                 | table | openpg
 public | product_price_list                                | table | openpg
 public | product_price_type                                | table | openpg
 public | product_pricelist                                 | table | openpg
 public | product_pricelist_item                            | table | openpg
 public | product_pricelist_type                            | table | openpg
 public | product_pricelist_version                         | table | openpg
 public | product_product                                   | table | openpg
 public | product_supplier_taxes_rel                        | table | openpg
 public | product_supplierinfo                              | table | openpg
 public | product_taxes_rel                                 | table | openpg
 public | product_template                                  | table | openpg
 public | product_ul                                        | table | openpg
 public | product_uom                                       | table | openpg
 public | product_uom_categ                                 | table | openpg
 public | project_account_analytic_line                     | table | openpg
 public | publisher_warranty_contract                       | table | openpg
 public | publisher_warranty_contract_wizard                | table | openpg
 public | reconcile_account_rel                             | table | openpg
 public | rel_modules_langexport                            | table | openpg
 public | rel_server_actions                                | table | openpg
 public | res_bank                                          | table | openpg
 public | res_company                                       | table | openpg
 public | res_company_users_rel                             | table | openpg
 public | res_config                                        | table | openpg
 public | res_config_installer                              | table | openpg
 public | res_country                                       | table | openpg
 public | res_country_state                                 | table | openpg
 public | res_currency                                      | table | openpg
 public | res_currency_rate                                 | table | openpg
 public | res_currency_rate_type                            | table | openpg
 public | res_groups                                        | table | openpg
 public | res_groups_action_rel                             | table | openpg
 public | res_groups_implied_rel                            | table | openpg
 public | res_groups_report_rel                             | table | openpg
 public | res_groups_users_rel                              | table | openpg
 public | res_groups_wizard_rel                             | table | openpg
 public | res_lang                                          | table | openpg
 public | res_log                                           | table | openpg
 public | res_partner                                       | table | openpg
 public | res_partner_address                               | table | openpg
 public | res_partner_bank                                  | table | openpg
 public | res_partner_bank_type                             | table | openpg
 public | res_partner_bank_type_field                       | table | openpg
 public | res_partner_category                              | table | openpg
 public | res_partner_category_rel                          | table | openpg
 public | res_partner_event                                 | table | openpg
 public | res_partner_title                                 | table | openpg
 public | res_payterm                                       | table | openpg
 public | res_request                                       | table | openpg
 public | res_request_history                               | table | openpg
 public | res_request_link                                  | table | openpg
 public | res_users                                         | table | openpg
 public | res_widget                                        | table | openpg
 public | res_widget_user                                   | table | openpg
 public | res_widget_wizard                                 | table | openpg
 public | rule_group_rel                                    | table | openpg
 public | temp_range                                        | table | openpg
 public | user_preferences_config                           | table | openpg
 public | validate_account_move                             | table | openpg
 public | validate_account_move_lines                       | table | openpg
 public | wizard_ir_model_menu_create                       | table | openpg
 public | wizard_ir_model_menu_create_line                  | table | openpg
 public | wizard_multi_charts_accounts                      | table | openpg
 public | wkf                                               | table | openpg
 public | wkf_activity                                      | table | openpg
 public | wkf_instance                                      | table | openpg
 public | wkf_logs                                          | table | openpg
 public | wkf_transition                                    | table | openpg
 public | wkf_triggers                                      | table | openpg
 public | wkf_witm_trans                                    | table | openpg
 public | wkf_workitem                                      | table | openpg
(269 rows)

7 August 2012

How to get Bazaar working with Launchpad in Windows & without any errors

Launchpad is a cool website that provide hosting services for open source projects. In order to work in launchpad hosted project you need an SSH key and a tool for SSH connection establishment. Such tool is not well integrated in WINDOWS as Linux platform. Fortunately, this tool exists and they are free & open source too :).

First step is that we need to generate an SSH key using a tool called putty (download the windows installer). After installation run puttygen.exe and click the generate button. PUTTYGEN will ask you to move your mouse around in the blank area to generate the key. Set your key pass-phrase. Click "Save public key" and choose a location to save it as filename.pub. Click "Save private key" and choose a secure location to save it as filename.ppk. Do not close Puttygen window just yet! Copy the public key from the Puttygen window then go to Launchpad page for adding the public key (the url look like https://launchpad.net/~USERNAME/+editsshkeys). Paste your SSH key under Add an SSH key.

Second step is to define certain environment variables. The first variable is BZR_SSH=plink as the following (pic-01)
pic-01: BZR_SSH=plink

. The second variable is to modify the PATH and to add the following line C:\Program Files\PuTTY; which will help Windows to locate the plink.exe program & to make it accessible via command prompt. The third variable is to create the ssh folder under the following path C:\Users\< username >\ by right clicking the directory & choosing New->Folder then type the name as '.ssh.' to get the folder as .ssh after that copy the public key then paste it in a text file named id_rsa.pub and save the file into the .ssh folder.

Third step is to establish the connection using Pageant. So Run Pageant aand make sure Pageant is running and RT+click the icon in the notification area. Add the private key you saved earlier (filename.ppk). This step is crucial if you want to connect to launchpad from a Windows PC.

Now you can use a tool like Tortoisebzr to push to Launchpad and avoid errors like 'bzr ERROR [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified'


24 May 2012

الحل السحري لمشكلة الحرارة الزائدة في أنظمة اللينكس

يواجه مستدخمي أنظمة الليكنس مثل أبنتو (Ubuntu) و ديبيان (Debian) مشكلة الحرارة الزائدة الناتجة من المعالج و وقوف مرواح التبريد عن العمل، هذه المشاكل بدأت في الظهور مع النسخة 2.6.38 لنواة اللينكس (Linux Kernel)، فقد تم التعديل من هذا الإصدار في كود البرمجة ليعمل بكفاءة أكبر في أجهزة الحاسبات إلا أنه عاد بالسوء علي الحاسبات المحمولة و الهواتف و الحاسبات المنزلية، حيث يتم إستهلاك شديد للكهرباء و نتيجة زائدة للحرارة و فشل مرواح التبريد عن العمل نتيجة للضغط المتزايد عليها من العمل، و للأسف لم يتم حل هذه المشكلة حتي الأن من قبل المسؤولين عن نواة اللينكس و لكن هناك فريق قام بحل المشكلة ببرنامج يسهل التعامل معه و هو رائع لكل الأجهزة للمستخدم المنزلي و هو (Jupiter)، و للقيام بتحميله و تنصيبه علي الجهاز اتبع الأوامر التالية:
~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/jupiter
~$ sudo apt-get update
~$ sudo apt-get install jupiter
~$ jupiter

5 April 2012

Steps to Install Openerp 6.1 on Ubuntu 10.04

  • Setting up the Environment
  • Download Software
  • Installation
  • Testing your Installation
Setting up the Environment
Openerp depends in many packages in-order to work on Ubuntu. The easiest way to install them is by using the following command:
sudo apt-get install <package name>
This is a list of the 24 packages needed for Openerp 6.1
python-matplotlib python-pyparsing python-imaging python-psycopg2 python-libxslt1 python-libxml2 graphviz postgresql-8.4 pgadmin3 python-lxml mx44 python-reportlab python-pychart python-tz python-openssl python-hippocanvas python-yaml python-pydot python-setuptools bzr python-mako python-pybabel python-openid python-werkzeug
Later on you can download the debian package from Openerp website and double click the icon to install it.

11 March 2012

كيفية ترجمة أوبنيرب من خلال برنامج Poedit

قم بتحميل و تنصيب برنامج (Poedit) من خلال هذا الموقع http://www.poedit.net/download.php حسب نظام التشغيل المتوافق معك، أما إذا كنت تستخدم أوبنتو فيمكنك تنفيذ الأمر التالي من خلال الـ Terminal:
sudo apt-get install poedit

بعد الإنتهاء من إعداد و تنصيب برنامج Poedit قم بتحديد الملحقات البرمجية أو ما يعرف بالـ (Modules) الراغب في تعريبها و قم بتحميلها من خلال اللانشباد من علي الرابط التالي:

ثم قم بالتحميل ملف الترجمة ذو الإمتداد PO حيث يمكنك فتحه ببرنامج Poedit، أيضاً يجب عليك الإنضمام إلي لانشباد حيث أنه سيتم إرسال رابط التحميل للملف علي بريدك الإلكتروني.

بعد أن تقوم بتحميل الملف يمكنك فتحه بإستخدام برنامج Poedit و ذلك لإضافة الترجمة الخاصة بك.

23 January 2012

إرشادات عامة لترجمة نظام أوبينيرب (Openerp) و لضمان الجودة

للقيام بترجمة أفضل لنظام أوبينيرب قمنا بإعداد جزء بسيط من الإرشادات العامة حيث يمكنكم المساهمة بشكل أفضل و فعال معنا.
1. عليك ملاحظة علامة النقطة الموجودة في نهاية هذه الجمل
    Accounting entries.
    The payment term may compute several due dates, for example 50% now, 50% in one month.
    يجب عليك في الجملة وضع هذه النقط و الفواصل حتي تكون الجملة ملائمة.
  1. يجب عليك ملاحظة العلامات مثل (: ، + ! %) فإنه لا يمكن تجاهلها مثل
    Unable to find a valid period !
    for example 50% now, 50% in one month.
  2. قم بالتركيز في ترجمة الجمل حتي تأتي بالمعني الصحيح
    Address of the Main Partner
    ليست عناوين الفرع الرئيسي بل عنوان الشريك الرئيسي
  3. تأكد من أنك تكتب لغة عربية صحيحة و ذلك بإستخدام قاموس عربي عربي مثل الباحث حيث وجدنا أن هناك بعض الأخطاء الإملائية مثل لفظ مسئول فهي مسؤول و ليس العكس
  4. هناك رمز لايمكن تجاهله و يترك كما هو لأنه يستبدل بمتغير أثنا عمل النظام مثل
  5. تأكد من الوضع الصحيح لرمز سطر جديد أو لرمز مسافة
  6. لا تختصر جملة مكونة من عدة سطور إلي سطر واحد كما حدث في جملة كانت بيانات شركة أوبينيرب و قام بإختصار ها في "بيانات الشركة
  7. إذا كنت لا تهتم بهذه الإرشادات أثناء الترجمة للنظام فأعلم أن الشركات مثل ميكروسوف و أوراكل تهتم بها و نحن نريد أن يكون المنتج تنافسي أيضاً معهم

1 January 2012

تحميل أحدث نسخة لبلندر علي نظام أبنتو

لتحميل آخر و أحدث النسخ لبلندر قم بإستخدام الأوامر التالية في الترمينال (Terminal)

$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:cheleb/blender-svn/ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install blender