18 June 2008

Restore Details Pane in Vista


Details Pane is a part of vista explorer, which provides advanced viewing capabilities for selected icons. Accidentally, you may hide it and you can’t restore it back. So here you are the way to show it back. First, make sure “show preview and filters” is selected from general tab inside folder options dialogue box.


Then click Organize --> Layout --> Details Pane


14 June 2008

New Vulnerability for Vista OS

New vulnerability discovered for windows vista. This video will show you a way to gain access to windows system without logging into windows vista and without user’s password. I just surprised how it comes. Windows vista is supposed to be secured enough and fully protected with its “cool” UAC. Using any live cd of any Linux distro then you become able to change or rename system files or log on into it without a password. This is what Microsoft offers us. According to the one who discovered the hole, he claims that windows XP aren’t vulnerable to it. It seems that Microsoft doesn’t learn from its old experience or its mistakes. I also get surprised when I compare Aero interface of vista with XGL interface of Linux (watch these: 1, 2).